Thursday, 7 June 2012

Mobile Camera: The Next Tool For Modern Age Photography

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As time goes by, mobile phone cams are getting better and better. Gone are the days when your mobile handset were only able to take an unclear click at a small quality. Many camera-phone creators are starting to pay more attention to indicator quality, shutter speed and optics, rather than just one-upping each other on mega-pixel specifications. But as with any type of digital cams, the equipment is only a small sector of getting an unforgettable picture.
Today we’ll explore photography, and take a look at how you can mix amazing process with today's technology to catch eye-catching images using your camera phone!
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In this article, I would discuss some of the essential points that will help you in getting the best images from your mobile camera. You can consider these factors to make your images look more genuine.
1. First focus on to get clear photograph is to concentrate well on the object you are taking image of. If you will light your subject good enough then you can easily click on a real image of the subject.
2. You should be standard close to your subject so that you can get its excellent image in your phone. Getting nearer to the subject also improves the excellence of the image.
Image Courtesy :- Nick-Jojola-captures-Roberta-Mancino-using-the-HTC-One-series-handsets-all-while-skydiving-at-126mph-Small-500x333
3. You should not shiver while taking pics as this can break your attention on the image and will affect the image quality.
4. You can modify your images later, if you think that image is not so good.
5. I would suggest you to don't use the zoom capability until and unless it is necessary.
6. You can also try things out with the white balance operate to increase the image quality.
7. You should always create your zoom lens clean before capturing the photo.
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